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Friday, 20 May 2011

Episode Five - The Podcrastinators Go Bi

Download MP3 here!

In Episode Five The Podcrastinators wonder what happened to Osama's porn stash, discover why KISS keeps hiring Erics, understand that dead air is worse then a dead hobo and continue the Bon Jovi vs Def Leppard debate all while coming out of the podcast closet. All this plus the debut of Strange News, The Podcrastinators prognosticating, Misrepresenting the Movies and the return of Mr. Interuptus. Did we mention we interview Arnold "I had a love child with my maid, bitches!" Schwarzenegger? However could we pack so much into one pod? With a 45 minute extension!


Schwarzenegger Divorce
Chappelle Show
Friday the 13th
Bon Jovi
Def Leppard
Brett Michaels Accident
How Time Travel Works
Famous & Gay
The Star Trek Movie "Curse"
Mel Gibson Tapes
The Beaver
Eric Carr

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Episode Four - Poontang or Poutine: Canada Votes!

Download MP3 here!

One day early? And we call ourselves Podcrastinators!

In Episode Four we discuss a very pressing issue with deep resonating effects on our entire country: is Mike bisexual?!?! We also learn the shocking truth about the leader of the NDP, an Asian Massage Parlor an a dog! Did Michelle from Full House kill The Joker? What would happen is sumo wrestlers played hockey? Obama POWNS Trump! Will the Predator run for president? Why does the Bluesfest make Andre feel old? Should freaky chicks date dudes with Def Leppard tattoos? Was Hitler in cahoots with the teacher from Charlie Brown? Oh yeah, and somewhere in there we talk about some kinda' Canadian election thing. All this plus the debut of Mr. Interuptus and ZOMBIES!!!

Did we mention 15 extra minutes of Podcrastinator gold...well, if not gold then bronze...errrr...zinc?

The Podcrastinators REAL Canadian Election
Poontang free polls

Canadian Election 2011
Fat Albert
Chris Benoit
Death of Owen Hart
Jack Layton and the Massage Parlor Scandal
The WILHELM Scream
Olsen Twins
Heath Ledger's Death
The Edison Twins
Cisco Ottawa Bluesfest
Mumford and Sons
Smash Cut

Monday, 2 May 2011

Station Announcement

"Due to the Election, the Podcrastinators will not be heard this Tuesday.
No, that's not true. 

In Honour of the Royal Wedding, the Podcrastinators will not broadcast…
Wait, that's even less true. 

To celebrate the death of Osama Bin Laden, we at the Podcrastinators 
feel this weeks episode should be moved to… 

Also incorrect. 

In truth, MR. INTERRUPTUS has MOVED the broadcast date of 
this, and ALL future Podcrastinators episodes to Friday.

Stay tuned! Episode 4 - Poutine or Poontang: Canada Votes! 
will be heard in its entirety May 6th!

- The Podcrastinators